Wrongly Convicted/Accused Bibliography Record

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System Failure

Title System Failure
Subtitle A Critique of the Judicial System of the United States
Author "Love IV, James F."
Publisher "The Justice Institute (Seattle, WA)"
Date 2009
Month November
Summary "How are so many innocent people convicted in the United States, and why are so many of those wrongly convicted people unable to overturn their conviction? System Failure explains how and why that has happened in 25. James F. Love writes: “This book was written for you, as a US citizen, that you may be informed as to what you and your children can expect if you are so unfortunate as to be wrongly accused of a crime. It is written as a warning that changes must be made in our system of justice, or justice itself will become available only to the wealthy. ... We are losing our right to redress of our grievances by an impartial court due to a lack of resources, courthouses and an adequate number of judges. Without meaningful access to the courts of this nation, all other rights become meaningless.”"
Type Non-fiction
Media Book
Country US
Format softcover
Pages 175
ISBN 978-1449549886
Edition 1st softcover
1st Ed/Copyright 2009
Original Title
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Wrongly Convicted Bibliography Created and Maintained by Hans Sherrer innocents@forejustice.org