Wrongly Convicted/Accused Bibliography Record

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True Witness

Title True Witness
Subtitle "Cops, Courts, Science, and the Battle against Misidentification"
Author "Doyle, James M."
Publisher Palgrave McMillan
Date 2004
Month December
Summary "Erroneous eyewitnesses are the leading cause of wrongful convictions in the United States. Doyle analyzes the role of memory and echoes the warning of early psychologists that honesty is no guarantee of reliability and that a witness's certainty is no proof of accuracy. Jurors place remarkable implicit faith in eyewitness testimony even though they have no idea how accurate an eyewitness's memory may be. As the innocent go to prison their lives are shattered; as the criminal goes free, the public remains vulnerable. Doyle highlights real possibilities for improved identification, their challenges to the legal tradition, and argues that the promises of improved eyewitness reliability must be realized to maintain the system's credibility."
Type Non-fiction
Media Book
Country US
Format hardcover
Pages 240
ISBN 1403964300
Edition 1st
1st Ed/Copyright 2004
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Wrongly Convicted Bibliography Created and Maintained by Hans Sherrer innocents@forejustice.org