Wrongly Convicted Database Record
Charge: |
Insurance Fraud |
Sentence: |
3 years |
Years Imprisoned: |
3 |
Year Crime: |
1911 |
Year Convicted: |
1911 |
Year Cleared: |
1917 |
U.S. State or Country of Crime: |
United Kingdom |
County or Region of Crime: |
Scotland |
City of Crime: |
Edinburgh |
Result: |
Pardoned |
Summary of Case: |
"Cecil Aylmer Cameron was wrongly convicted in 1911 of attemting to defraud Lloyds of London of £6,000 for a claim made by his wife Ruby and him for the alleged loss of her pearl necklace. During their trial in Edinburgh, Scotland, the prosecution presented evidence that the insurance was actually purchased for an imitation pearl necklace worth a fraction of its insured value, and witnesses testified that no one was around Ruby on the street corner at the time she claimed the necklace was stolen. Cameron declined to give any evidence in his defense. Cameron and his wife were both sentenced to three years in prison. While imprisoned Ruby Cameron became dangerously ill and confessed that she acted alone in the attempted fraud that she had deceived her husband about. Cameron served his full sentences. After his release a petition for a royal pardon was signed by, among others, five dukes, twenty privy councillors, and 126 generals. Based on the new evidence of his innocence, In 1917 England's King George V granted Cecil Cameron a full royal pardon and restored his rank of major in the British Army." |
Conviction Caused By: |
Guilt by association with his wife who actually attempted to defraud Lloyds of London by making a false insurance claim. |
Innocence Proved By: |
In 1917 England's King George V granted Cecil Cameron a full royal pardon and restored his rank of major in the British Army. |
Defendant Aided By: |
Compensation Awarded: |
Was Perpetrator Identified? |
Yes |
Age When Imprisoned: |
28 |
Age When Released: |
31 |
Sex: |
Male |
Skin/Ethnicity: |
White |
Information Source 1: |
"Wrongfully Imprisoned: Famous Case Recalled, Melbourne Argus, 21 August 1924, p. 11" |
Information Location 1: |
http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/4168448/431689?zoomLevel=3 |
Information Source 2: |
"Cecil Aylmer Cameron, Wikipedia.org" |
Information Location 2: |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Aylmer_Cameron |
Information Source 3: |
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Comments About Case: |
Innocents Database Created and Maintained by Hans Sherrer innocents@forejustice.org