Wrongly Convicted Database Record


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Simon Kennedy





5 years

Years Imprisoned:


Year Crime:


Year Convicted:


Year Cleared:


U.S. State or Country of Crime:

United Kingdom

County or Region of Crime:


City of Crime:


Judicially Exonerated

Summary of Case:

"Simon Kennedy was wrongly convicted in November 1997 of manslaughter in the death of a friend who died of a heroin overdose. Simon Kennedy was convicted on the basis that he prepared the syringe of heroin, although the man personally injected it into himself. Kennedy was sentenced to five years in prison. In October 2007 the House of Lords quashed Kennedy's conviction on the basis that the dead man knowingly chose to inject the heroin, and therefore Kennedy had no criminal liability in the death."

Conviction Caused By:

False prosecution theory of the crime that preparing the syringe with heroin made Kennedy liable in the man's death.

Innocence Proved By:

"In October 2007 the House of Lords quashed Kennedy's conviction on the basis that the dead man knowingly chose to inject the heroin, and therefore Kennedy had no criminal liability in the death"

Defendant Aided By:

Compensation Awarded:

Was Perpetrator Identified?

Age When Imprisoned:

Age When Released:




Information Source 1:

R v kennedy (no 2) [2007] ukhl 38

Information Location 1:

Information Source 2:

"Heroin death conviction quashed, BBC News, October 17, 2007"

Information Location 2:


Information Source 3:

"Preparation of heroin syringe does not constitute manslaughter, The Times (London, UK), October 19, 2007"

Information Location 3:


Information Source 4:

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Book Information:

Book About Case (2):

Book Information (2):

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Innocents Database Created and Maintained by Hans Sherrer innocents@forejustice.org

Hosted on forejustice.org and mirrored on justicedenied.org .