Wrongly Convicted Database Record


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T. Rakesh Kumar






Years Imprisoned:


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Year Convicted:


Year Cleared:


U.S. State or Country of Crime:


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Judicially Exonerated Released

Summary of Case:

"T. Rakesh Kumar and A. Ranjit Singh were wrongly convicted on April 12, 2015 of the murder of retiree Chan Ai Chuan at a wooden workshop behind a store in Aalor Setar, Kedah, Malysia on February 23, 2012. Kumar and Singh acknowledged they were at the store on the day of Chuan's death, but they denied having anything to do with it. The prosecution's case was circumstantial, because there was no physical or eyewitness evidence they committed the crime. After their convictions Kumar and Singth were sentenced to death. Malysia's Court of Appeal affirmed the convictions and sentences of Kumar and Singth on September 4, 2016, ruling that their defense was simply that they didn't commit the crime. They appealed. On January 8, 2018 Malaysia's Federal Court unanimously ruled that their conviction was unsafe and ordered their acquittals because the prosecution's case was based on circumstantial evidence that was insufficient to prove their guilt of murder beyond a reasonable doubt. "

Conviction Caused By:

Innocence Proved By:

"On January 8, 2018 Malaysia's Federal Court unanimously ruled that their conviction was unsafe and ordered their acquittals because the prosecution's case was based on circumstantial evidence that was insufficient to prove their guilt of murder beyond a reasonable doubt. "

Defendant Aided By:

Compensation Awarded:

Was Perpetrator Identified?

Age When Imprisoned:

Age When Released:




Information Source 1:

"Duo acquitted of murder by Federal Court due to unsafe conviction, By Qishin Tariq, The Star, January 8, 2018"

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Innocents Database Created and Maintained by Hans Sherrer innocents@forejustice.org

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