Wrongly Convicted Database Record


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Wyatt Morse



"Theft (including swindling/fraud, deception and grand larceny)"


5 years

Years Imprisoned:


Year Crime:


Year Convicted:


Year Cleared:


U.S. State or Country of Crime:

South Dakota

County or Region of Crime:


City of Crime:



Judicially Exonerated Released

Summary of Case:

"Wyatt Morse was wrongly convicted in 2007 of theft by deception for failing to finish a bathroom remodeling job after he hurt his back and couldn't work. Morse was sentenced to five years in prison. Morse's conviction was reversed on July 16, 2008 by the South Dakota Supreme Court due to the state's failure to present evidence that he had any criminal intent to commit fraud by failing to finish the job after he was hurt."

Conviction Caused By:

Trial judge failed to properly instruct the jury that they had to find that Morse had the specific intent to commit fraud.

Innocence Proved By:

"Morse's conviction was reversed on July 16, 2008 by the South Dakota Supreme Court due to the state's failure to present evidence that he had any criminal intent to commit fraud by failing to finish the job after he was hurt."

Defendant Aided By:

Compensation Awarded:

Was Perpetrator Identified?

Age When Imprisoned:

Age When Released:





Information Source 1:

"State v. Morse, 2008 SD 66 (SD Sup. Ct. 07-16-2008)"

Information Location 1:

Information Source 2:

"Court overturns deadwood man's theft conviction for bathroom job, Rapid City Journal, July 21, 2008"

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Innocents Database Created and Maintained by Hans Sherrer innocents@forejustice.org

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