Wrongly Convicted Database Record
Charge: |
Second Degree Murder |
Sentence: |
25 to 50 years |
Years Imprisoned: |
3.08 |
Year Crime: |
1980 |
Year Convicted: |
2010 |
Year Cleared: |
2014 |
U.S. State or Country of Crime: |
Michigan |
County or Region of Crime: |
Losco |
City of Crime: |
Oscoda |
Result: |
Judicially Exonerated Released |
Summary of Case: |
"Jimmie Nelson was wrongly convicted in 2010 of a murder committed in 1980 in Oscoda, Michigan. Nelson's conviction was overturned in 2012 by the Michigan Court of Appeals that ruled the prosecution presented insufficient evidence to prove his guilt. The State appealed and in 2013 the Michigan Supreme Court reversed the appeals court's ruling, and remanded the case back to the appeals court. In reconsidering Nelson's case, the Michigan Court of Appeals vacated Nelsons murder conviction on February 24, 2014 based on newly discovered exculpatory evidence, and that "evidence implicates another person as the perpetrator of Thomass death. The Losco County Prosecutor's motion to dismiss Nelson's murder charge was granted on April 21, 2014." |
Conviction Caused By: |
Innocence Proved By: |
"The Michigan Court of Appeals vacated Nelsons murder conviction on February 24, 2014 based on newly discovered exculpatory evidence, and that "evidence implicates another person as the perpetrator of Thomass death. The Iosco County Prosecutor's motion to dismiss Nelson's murder charge was granted on April 21, 2014." |
Defendant Aided By: |
Compensation Awarded: |
Was Perpetrator Identified? |
Yes |
Age When Imprisoned: |
58 |
Age When Released: |
61 |
Sex: |
Male |
Skin/Ethnicity: |
White |
Information Source 1: |
"People of the State of Michigan v. Jimmie Allen Nelson, No. 301253 (Mich. Ct. of Appeals 2014) (Unpublished opinion)" |
Information Location 1: |
http://publicdocs.courts.mi.gov:81/opinions/final/coa/20140225_c301253_117_301253o.opn.pdf |
Information Source 2: |
"Court of Appeals overturns murder conviction... Again, By Holly Nelson (staff writer), Iosco County News-Herald, March 5, 2014" |
Information Location 2: |
http://www.iosconews.com/front/article_ff5c530c-a3cf-11e3-a1d6-001a4bcf887a.html |
Information Source 3: |
"People v. Nelson, 493 Mich. 933, 825 NW 2d 581 (Mich: Sup. Ct. 2013)" |
Information Location 3: |
"http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=2701601807813114648&q=jimmie+nelson+michigan&hl=en&as_sdt=4,23" |
Information Source 4: |
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Information Source 5: |
Information Location 5: |
Book About Case: |
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Comments About Case: |
Innocents Database Created and Maintained by Hans Sherrer innocents@forejustice.org