Wrongly Convicted Database Record


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Tillam Singh



Child/Minor Sexual Assault


7 years

Years Imprisoned:


Year Crime:


Year Convicted:


Year Cleared:


U.S. State or Country of Crime:


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Judicially Exonerated

Summary of Case:

"Tillam Singh was wrongly conivcted in February 2013 of having unnatural sex with a 4-year-old child on January 28, 2011 at a school in Kalina, India. Singh denied the charge. He was a watchman at the school the girl attended, and he claimed he was accused by the girl's mother because he refused to allow the girl's uncle to enter the school. The mother also alleged a teacher had locked her daughter in a room where Singh raped her. She further claimed another teacher had also slapped her daughter. After a trial both teachers were acquitted, but Singh was convicted. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Singh appealed. In September 2019 the Bombay High Court acquitted on the basis of insufficient evidence of his guilt. The court's ruling written by Justice Sadhana Jadhav was based on the facts that there was no evidence suggesting sexual assault on the child and medical evidence also did not support the allegation. The doctor who examined the girl did not notice any injury marks on her private parts and the investigating officer acknowledged she discovered no evidence an incident of sexual assault had taken place."

Conviction Caused By:

Innocence Proved By:

In September 2019 the Bombay High Court acquitted on the basis of insufficient evidence of his guilt. The court's ruling written by Justice Sadhana Jadhav was based on the facts that there was no evidence suggesting sexual assault on the child and medical evidence also did not support the allegation. The doctor who examined the girl did not notice any injury marks on her private parts and the investigating officer acknowledged she discovered no evidence an incident of sexual assault had taken place.

Defendant Aided By:

Compensation Awarded:

Was Perpetrator Identified?

Age When Imprisoned:


Age When Released:






Information Source 1:

"4-year-old’s rape: High court acquits 65-year-old man in 2011 case, By Kanchan Chaudhari, Hindustan Times, October 4, 2019"

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