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Innocents Database

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Browse the Innocents Database by LOCATION of conviction

The complete database index is sorted by the LOCATION where a person was convicted. Click on a person whose information page you want to go to.

Browse the Innocents Database by YEAR of exoneration

The complete database index is sorted by the YEAR of a person's exoneration. Click on a person whose information page you want to go to.
Innocents Database is also available in three sortable versions.

NOTE: A user may find the sortable versions unsuitable for a small screen device (e.g., mobile phones), or slow (e.g., dial-up) Internet connection.

Sortable 1989-2022 U.S. Cases

Sortable Pre-1989 U.S. Cases

Sortable Non-U.S. Cases thru 2022

156,496 Cases Currently Referenced in the Innocents Database**

There are cases from 122 countries.

65,362 cases are from the United States

106,607 cases are from a country other than the U.S.

640 people were sentenced to death.


1.321 people were sentenced to life in prison.


1,876 people were convicted of a homicide related crime.


1,237 people were convicted of a sexual assault related crime.

94,241 people were posthumously exonerated by a court or a pardon

U.S. Cases
1989 - 2022

64,422 = Total
4,483 = Males
462 = Females
6 = Other (Business, etc.)
59,471 = Unknown sex

1,340 = Homicide cases
99 = Homicide & Sexual Assault cases
439 = Sexual Assault/Rape cases
301 = Child Sexual Assault/Sex Abuse cases
269 = Robbery/Theft/Burglary/Extortion cases
170 - Assault cases
60,776 = Drug cases
194 = Fraud/Forgery/Embezzelment/Bribery cases
24 = Child Abuse/Assault cases
230 = Violent Other cases
580 = Non-violent Other cases

U.S. cases
Before 1989

940 = Total
850 = Males
72 = Females
4 = Other (Businesses, etc.)
14 = Unknown sex

432 = Homicide cases
5 = Homicide & Sexual Assault cases
42 = Sexual Assault/Rape cases
4 = Child Sexual Assault/Sex Abuse cases
117 = Robbery/Theft/Burglary/Extortion cases
9 - Assault cases
19 = Drug cases
45 = Fraud/Forgery/Embezzelment/Bribery cases
0 = Child Abuse/Assault cases
52 = Violent Other cases
215 = Non-violent Other cases

Non-U.S. Cases

106,362 = Total
3,275 = Males
392 = Females
11 = Business
102,929 = Unknown sex

744 = Homicide cases
41 = Homicide & Sexual Assault cases
243 = Sexual Assault/Rape cases
96 = Child Sexual Assault/Sex Abuse cases
177 = Robbery/Theft/Burglary/Extortion cases
161 - Assault cases
118 = Drug cases
175 = Fraud/Forgery/Embezzelment/Bribery cases
7 = Child Abuse/Assault cases
688 = Violent Other cases
103,914 = Non-violent Other cases

Non-U.S. cases
Before 1989

245 = Total
228 = Males
14= Females
2 = Other (Businesses, etc.)
1 = Unknown sex

58 = Homicide cases
1 = Homicide & Sexual Assault cases
7 = Sexual Assault/Rape cases
2 = Child Sexual Assault/Sex Abuse cases
52 = Robbery/Theft/Burglary/Extortion cases
14 = Assault cases
4 = Drug cases
7 = Fraud/Forgery/Embezzelment/Bribery cases
0 = Child Abuse/Assault cases
48 = Violent Other cases
50 = Non-violent Other cases

** Note: To make the database smaller and more responsive online, 160,912 cases related to a number of events are not individually listed online because the information related to those cases is identical. Some of those events are: 1) The posthumous pardoning in 2017 of 49,000 men in England and Wales convicted of consensual homosexual related acts committed prior to 1967 that are no longer considered criminal; 2) The legal vindication in 2017 of 50,000 men in Germany – 45,000 posthumously and 5,000 still living – convicted of consensual homosexual related acts between 1945 and 1994 that are no longer considered criminal; 3) 21,587 people were exonerated in 2017 as a result of the Annie Dookhan drug evidence scandal at the Hinton State Laboratory in Massachusetts; 4)11,162 people were exonerated in 2018 as a result of the Sonja Farak scandal at the Massachusetts State Crime Laboratory in Amherst, Massachusetts; 5) The quashing in 2019 of 4,000 convictions of people in Ireland who were convicted of non-existent traffic related violations; and 6) 11,017 people were pardoned in 2019 of misdemeanor convictions for marijuana possession that was decriminalized in Illinois in 2019.

Exonerations by U.S. States
(Through 4-2-2020)
Exonerations by U.S. States
Exonerations Worldwide
(Through 4-2-2020)
Exonerations Worldwide
Exonerations By Year (US & Int)

Exonerations By Year (U.S. & Int.) (Excluding 2017-2019)
Percentage of US Exonerations by type of crime


Email a question, correction, or suggested addition to the database to:

The Innocents Database includes persons whose presumption of innocence was restored after their conviction was overturned on direct appeal or post-conviction appeal and they were not retried, persons acquitted after a retrial, and persons granted an executive or legislative pardon based on evidence of their innocence. The sources of information include official court reports, books, and newspaper and magazine articles. Each person's record in the database includes one or more sources for the information about the person's case. For a detailed explanation of the cases included in the Innocents Database see the article "An Exoneration Can Be Judicial Or By Executive Or Legislative Clemency," online at,

NOTICE: The Innocents Database is made available to the public on the Internet for education, research, and other non-commercial purposes with the proviso that credit is given to the Innocents Database as the source of information used. A commercial use is not permitted without receiving permission. Reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in the database, but no express or implied warranty is made, and by using the Innocents Database the user agrees to hold Hans Sherrer, The Justice Institute and Justice Denied harmless from any legal liability for any use whatsoever, including non-commercial or commercial uses of the database.

Hans Sherrer, whose website is, created the Innocents Database in 1997 and continues to maintain it. The database is linked to: Justice Denied's website as a courtesy to supplement Justice Denied's activities on behalf of the wrongly convicted world-wide.

Innocents Database © Copyright 1997-2018 Hans Sherrer